Ruddy shelduck

Tadorna ferruginea
Καστανόπαπια Tadorna ferruginea | Πέτρος Τσακμάκης
Καστανόπαπια Tadorna ferruginea | Πέτρος Τσακμάκης


The male is distinguished from the female by his black collar. Also, the female has a more faded orange colour on her head. When they fly, the large white areas on their wings are revealed, which are covered by orange feathers when they stand on the ground.

Distribution - Habitat

It is an Asian species whose western limit of distribution is Greece. It is mainly observed in Thrace and the islands of the East Aegean.

On our island several pairs breed scattered, near wetlands and "gioli" - artificial ponds for livestock. In winter, up to 200 birds will all winter together in the coastal wetlands in the northern part of the Gulf of Kalloni (in the refuge created there since 2009).

Interesting Information

  • It is considered omnivorous: it feeds on plant material (leaves and seeds) but also on terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates (worms, insects, crustaceans), small fish and amphibians.
  • When it senses danger it makes a horn-like call that is often heard when birds fly or when in spring, we unwittingly approach the territory of a pair.
  • It was recently discovered that it holds the record among ducks for the highest flight: 6,800 m as it crosses the Himalayan Mountain range when migrating!

Στην ίδια οικογένεια

ANCRE_Manos Vatzolas


The male (with reproductive plumage) from a distance appears grey with a dark head, which is brownish- reddish with a green iridescent stripe running from the eye to the base of the neck.

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Kalloni wetlands, birdwatching

Common shelduck

Large bird that appears black and white from a distance or in inappropriate lighting.

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