Eurasian Wigeon

Mareca penelope
Σφυριχτάρι- Hans Glader
Σφυριχτάρι- Wigeon - Hans Glader


Medium sized duck. The male has a grey body with a brown head and a beige forehead. The back is white with black on the edge and the breast is brownish pink. Females are brown with darker brown on the back where the closed wing feathers show black. Both leaves have a green "mirror" on the wing, white belly, grey beak with black on the tip and grey legs.

Distribution - Habitat

North American and Palaearctic species (Asia, Europe, Africa). The European population breeds in northern Scandinavia and Siberia and winters in southern Europe up to the coast of North Africa. The species occurs in Central Europe only in transit during migration. On the Mediterranean coast the eastern population overwinters, breeding in central and western Siberia, and in western Europe up to the height of southern England the western population overwinters, breeding in northern Scandinavia. In our country it appears only in winter, and the same, of course, on Lesvos.

It is found in wetlands such as marshes, lagoons, estuaries and the coastal zone.

Interesting Information

  • It feeds mainly on plant material (leaves, roots and seeds of wetland plants) and occasionally on small invertebrates (mosquito larvae, etc.).
  • In winter it feeds both during the day and at night (especially if it is disturbed during the day...).
  • It matures and can breed from the age of 2 years and up.

Στην ίδια οικογένεια

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