Grey heron

Ardea cinerea
Σταχτοτσικνιάς - Παντελής Θωμαΐδης


The Grey heron, at first impression, is a grey bird, with a large wingspan, and a slow steady flight. At rest we shall see its high legs and, sometimes, its long neck, which it often keeps folded on its breast when at rest. The neck and underparts are white with black or grey lines, and adults have a distinct black band running from the eye to the back of the head, and for the breeding season long black feathers grow there. Sexes identical.

Distribution - Habitat

A species that spreads to the larger parts of Europe, Africa and Asia. Its populations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia are migratory towards the southernmost regions of these continents. It breeds in our country in the wetlands of northern and north-western Greece.

It is observed throughout the year in Lesvos, but they are not the same individuals but change with the seasons. The largest numbers are observed during the autumn migration and then populations drop towards winter as they continue their journey a little further south.

It can be seen in every wetland, from the large ones in Gull Bay and Gera Bay to every small estuary and river bed etc. in coastal or inland wetland locations.

Interesting Information

  • It feeds on fish, crustaceans (crabs), amphibians, reptiles (water snakes and juvenile water turtles), small mammals, large aquatic insects and water birds. Also, to a lesser extent, plant material and carrion.
  • It can fish and swallow fish usually 10 to 25 cm long up to half a kilogram in weight.
  • Sometimes it may steal prey from other waterfowl such as diving birds, seagulls, cormorants, etc.
  • It hunts solitarily and only where prey is plentiful is it observed that several birds feed together - as is often the case in the Kalloni Salt Pan!
  • When disturbed and flying it makes a very characteristic deep croak which it repeats a few times.
  • Although its population is not threatened and is even thought to be increasing in Europe, in the past (mid-20th century) it has suffered great displacement and losses.
  • Τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες παρατηρείται σταθερή επέκταση της εξάπλωσής του ακόμα πιο βόρεια στη Σκανδιναβία, μάλλον λόγω της βελτίωσης των χειμερινών συνθηκών που επιφέρει η κλιματική αλλαγή.

Στην ίδια οικογένεια


Squacco heron

Landed it looks brown to orange on top, with an almost crimson back (adults), but when it flies its white wings are revealed, covered by the long wings of the neck.

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Αργυροτσικνιάς Ardea alba | Παντελής Θωμαΐδης

Great egret

An imposing bird with high legs and a particularly long neck, all-white. It has a yellow beak, but before the breeding season it becomes all-black in colour. 

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