Moustached Warbler

Acrocephalus melanopogon
Ψαθοποταμίδα - Moustached Warbler
Ψαθοποταμίδα - Moustached Warbler (Ελένη Γαληνού)


A small brown bird with very distinctive patterns on the head. Black and brown crown, white band over the eye and on the chin and black and brown band on the eye and cheeks. The upper part of their body is warm brown with black spots on the back and also on the wing and tail are mottled brown feathers. The underparts are whitish with beige-brown ribs and breast. Black beak and legs. Sexes identical.

Distribution - Habitat

It occurs, in a discontinuous distribution, in central and southern Europe, NW Africa and eastwards through the Middle East to western India and Kazakhstan.

Bird of freshwater and brackish wetlands will be seen around lakes, marshes, rivers where it requires free water surface and suitable vegetation.

On Lesvos it is recorded in a significant population during the winter, while early then individuals seem to cross to more southerly areas (as far as Crete) in the reedbed of swamp Dipi-Larsos, the Gulf of Gera, but also smaller wetlands around the island (Skala Eressos, Messa, Tsiknias etc.).

Interesting Information

  • Its name (melanopogon) means one who has a black beard and clearly reflects the intense patterns on its head.
  • It feeds mainly on small invertebrates (beetles, hemiptera, spiders, etc.) that it collects from vegetation or even from the water surface (as it holds onto a wetland plant).
  • It does not breed except in the northern parts of its distribution in central Europe.
  • It has a very strong call and song that betray its presence, although it is difficult to detect in vegetation where it remains carefully hidden
  • One of the very important bird species occurring in the protected area of the Gulf of Gera and a designated species for the SPA there.

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