Eurasian blue tit

Cyanistes caeruleus
Γαλαζοπαπαδίτσα- Leo Tukker
Γαλαζοπαπαδίτσα- Leo Tukker


Blue upper part (wings, tail, head) and yellow belly. The cheeks are white with a narrow dark blue line starting at the base of the beak, passing through the eye and ending at the nape of the neck where it also has the same dark blue outline. The back has an olive green colour and this is generally the shade of very young individuals. Generally it is a blue ball of blue! The beak is small and of a pencil color shade, and so are the legs. The males are more shiny blue and yellow, especially in spring.

It is almost always heard first, as it keeps in touch with other members of her group by calling or even alerting when it sees a threatening animal (see also humans).

Distribution - Habitat

It has a distinctly European spread, reaching eastwards to Central Russia, the Caucasus region and Iran. It is also found in some areas of Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, while it is absent from Cyprus.

It lives in a very wide variety of wooded areas or areas with scattered trees and tall shrubs, with optimal habitat in the deciduous forests of Europe.

Interesting Information

  • It feeds on small invertebrates (insects, spiders, etc.) and also less (outside of breeding) on fruits and seeds that it finds mainly on foliage.
  • Its very strong legs make it an excellent acrobat: it hangs upside down even on one leg.
  • It most often lays 8-12 eggs, small, white with pink splashes that hatch for about 12 days. She then feeds the chicks in the nest for about 20 days before they are ready to fledge.

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