Bird news - April 5, 2022

Bird news
EMCIN_Western Lesvos_220405_Lefteris Kakalis
Tsiknias river

Cattle Egret 1 (Jacco Slomp- Observado)

Black Stork 1, Spoonbill 2 

Potamia valley

Wood Warbler (Jacco Slomp- Observado)- 1st SPRING ARRIVAL

Woodchat Shrike (Mirsini Kladogeni- LBN- FB)


Cinereous Bunting 1 (Lefteris Kakalis)- 1st SPRING ARRIVAL

(Steve Bird- LBN-FB)

Skala Eresos

Nightingale 1- 1st SPRING ARRIVAL

Eastern Orphean Warbler 1

Common Redstart 1- 1st SPRING ARRIVAL


(Valerie Karameta-Triboulot- LBN-FB)

Cretzshmar's Bunting 1, Eastern Black-eared Wheatear 1

Estern Orphean Warbler (Steve Bird)
CUCRA_Skala Eresos_220405_Steve Bird
Eastern Black-eared Wheatear (Valerie Karameta Triboulot)
OEMEL_Haramida_220405_Valerie Karameta Triboulot
Cinereous Bunting (Lefteris Kakalis)
EMCIN_Western Lesvos_220405_Lefteris Kakalis
Cretzschmar's Bunting (Lefteris Kakalis)
EMCAE_Western Lesvos_220405_Lefteris Kakalis
Complete checklists submitted online can be accessed here:

e-bird  (updated throughout the year and where we submit the Kalloni EIC records in the long term)

observado- lesvos (active during April-May and September by Dutch visitor birders)

bird-track (by British visitor birders)

Share your own records

Please, submit your records via the above databases, share them on Facebook (Lesvos Bird News or Lesvos Birders groups), or send them directly to us here.