Βird news - April 19, 2022

Bird news
COGAR_Faneromeni_220419_Kevin Hazelgrove


Vouvaris river mouth

Black Stork 1


Spur-winged Plover 1 (Eric Cameron- ebird)

Northern Lapwing 1 (Steve Bird & Gina Beebe Nichol)

Marsh Sandpiper 2, Little Stint 5 (Eric Cameron- ebird)

Olivaceous Warbler 1 (Eric Cameron- ebird)

Steppe Buzzard 1 (Steve Bird & Gina Beebe Nichol)

Kalloni Pans 

Ruddy Shelduck 12 (Karen D' Alessandri- ebird)

Quail calling (Paul Manning)

Gull-billed Tern 17 (Jeff Bailey)

Sandwich Tern 3  (John Glendinning)- along coast

Greater Short-toed Lark 32 (Steve Bird & Gina Beebe Nichol)- am | 53 (John Glendinning)- pm

Red-throated Pipit 9  (John Glendinning)- pm

Montagu's Harrier 2, M (Paul Manning)

Harrier ringtail 1 (Paul Manning)

Pallid Harrier 1 (Paul Manning)

Red-footed Falcon 1, M, by saltpan entrance, on wires (John Glendinning)- pm

Tsiknias river lower area

Garganey 2

Purple Heron 1, Glossy Ibis 20 (John Glendinning)

Purple Heron 8, fly-overs (Steve Bird & Gine Beebe Nichol)

Little Crake 1 (Paul Manning)

Whimbrel 1 (John Glendinning)

Red-throated Pipit 1 (Paul Manning)

Citrine Wagtail 1, F (Steve Bird & Gine Beebe Nichol)- pm

Pallid Harrier 1, M (John Glendinning)

Yelkouan Shearwater 6, off-shore (John Glendinning)

Skala Kallonis

Cattle Egret 1 (Jacco Slomp- Observado)- behind Pasiphae Hotel

Ennia Kamares (Christou)

(Jon Buxton)

Glossy Ibis 2, fly-overs

Curlew Sandpiper 1

Little Stint 10+, Greenshank 4, Kentish Plover 10+

Metochi lake

Golden Oriole 3, Collared Flycatcher 1 (Kevin Hazelgrove), in olive groves

Potamia valley

(Efterpi Marmarou)

Masked Shrike 1

Great Reed Warbler 1



Purple Heron 6 (Kevin Hazelgrove- LB FB)

Spotted Crake 1 (John Barrel)- pm

Little Crake 2 (John Barrel)- pm

Spur-winged Plover 1 (Mel Greenhaigh)

Roller 1 - 1st SPRING ARRIVAL (Kevin Hazelgrove- LB FB)

Bee-eater 20+ - 1st SPRING ARRIVAL(Kevin Hazelgrove- LB FB)

Turtle Dove 12+ (Kevin Hazelgrove- LB FB)

Hoopoe 2+ (Kevin Hazelgrove- LB FB)

Citrine Wagtail 1 (Kevin Hazelgrove- LB FB)

Tree Pipit 3 (Kevin Hazelgrove- LB FB)

Common Redstart 2 (Kevin Hazelgrove- LB FB)

Barred Warbler 1 (John Barrel)- pm

Golden Oriole 2 (Kevin Hazelgrove- LB FB)

Ortolan Bunting 1 (Kevin Hazelgrove- LB FB)

Long-legged Buzard 1 (Kevin Hazelgrove- LB FB)

Little Owl 1 (Kevin Hazelgrove- LB FB)

Many Spotted, Collared & Pied Flycatchers, Whinchats (Kevin Hazelgrove- LB FB)

Bee-eaters (Kevin Hazelgrove)
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Tsichliontas (Meladia) valley

(Kevin Hazelgrove- LB FB)

Common Cuckoo 1

Eastern Orphean Warbler 1

Collared, Pied & Spotted Flycatchers

Spanish Sparrow flock

Ortolan Bunting (Kevin Hazelgrove)
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Vafeios area

(Stefanos Karafyllis- LB FB)

Hoopoe 1

Collared Flycatcher 1, Pied Flycatcher 1

Masked Shrike 1

Masked Shrike (Stefanos Karafyllis)
LANUB_Molivos-Vafeios_220419_Stefanos Karafyllis


Dipi, Gera Gulf

Spur-winged plover 1 (Makis Axiotis)

Spur-winged Plover (Makis Axiotis)
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Complete checklists submitted online can be accessed here:

e-bird  (updated throughout the year and where we submit the Kalloni EIC records in the long term)

observado- lesvos (active during April-May and September by Dutch visitor birders)

bird-track (by British visitor birders)

Share your own records

Please, submit your records via the above databases, share them on Facebook (Lesvos Bird News or Lesvos Birders groups), or send them directly to us here.

Yellow Wagtails (Fokion Theodorou)
MOFLA_Tsiknias_220419_Fokion Theodorou
Hirundines by Haramida (Valerie Κarameta Triboulot)
HIRUNDINES_Haramida_220419_Valerie Karameta Triboulot